iPhone Photography Awards 2014

Athena Tan from Singapore - 2nd place people Athena Tan
Aaron Pilke Aaron PIke from San Francisco, US - 1st place Trees
Yilang Peng from Wisconsin US - 1st place Architecture Yilang Pemg
Cocu Liu Cocu Liu from Illinois, US - 1st place Seasons
Adrienne Pitts from London, UK - 1st place Travel Adrien Pitts
Gerard Collett Gerard Collett from London, UK - 1st place News/Events
Jose Luis Barcia Fernandez from Madrid, Spain - 2nd place Photographer of the Year Jose Luis Barcia Fernandez
Julio Lucas Julio Lucas from Florida, US - Photographer of the Year 2014


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Appuntamento con se stessi

Villa Malaparte, Capri

Massimo Pedrazzi